PURPOSE: To describe the procedure for appeals and to ensure that the appellant’s complaint is dealt with in the most effective manner.

SCOPE: Complaints received by SIS Certifications Pvt. Ltd.



Any complaint received by SIS in respect of its functions as a certification body or a company certified by it, shall be fully investigated by the CEO. The Technical Coordinator will verify the promptness and effectiveness of the actions taken in respect of the complaint received by SIS. He shall ensure the prompt disposal of the complaint and the complainant being advised of the result of the investigation within six weeks of the receipt of the complaint. All complaints, after redressed & disposal, shall be closed through a closing note / closing call by the MD. Where applicable, certification will be restored as quickly as possible. Suitable preventive action will be taken to avoid re-occurrence of such cases. Any recurrence will be prevented. Effectiveness of the measures adopted will be assessed during the Management Review Meeting and necessary information is gathered and verified to validate the complaints

1. Unsatisfactory performance recorded on the “Client Satisfaction Form” by any SIS client in respect of the audit conducted by SIS auditors shall be treated as a complaint and dealt with accordingly.

2. Complaints are received by TC and acknowledged (whenever possible), initially evaluated by QM for further decisions. The entire process to be followed meeting the requirement of confidentiality as it relates to the complaint and to the subject of the complaint. The complaints are recorded in the complaint register. A description of the complaints-handling process is publicly available on SIS website and the progress is tracked by QM including actions undertaken in response to them.

3. Complaint against an officer of SIS including CEO/QM will be investigated by the Director technical or someone who is not involved in the process.

4. The decision to be communicated to the complainant shall be made by or reviewed and approved by individuals not previously involved in the subject of the complaint

5.Whenever possible SIS shall give formal notice of the end of the complaint handling process to the complainant

6. SIS shall determine together with the client and the complainant whether and if so to what extent the subject of the complaint and its resolution shall be made public

7. Any complaint about the certified client and also referred by SIS to the certified client is kept confidential.

8. If the complainant is dissatisfied with SIS response for the lodged complaint outcome or the process, the complainant may refer to accreditation board (IOAS/DAC)